Importance of taking part in NSED


            We all know, that Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire. Because of our location, we are prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused by the movement of tectonic plates. We conduct different programs and activities in preperation for an earthquake. One of these is the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED). It is initiated by the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) through the Office of Civil Defense in an effort to "continuously instill to the public earthquake preparedness amid the pandemic."

            Although we cannot be able to prevent natural earthquakes from occuring, we can lessen the effects by using early warning systems, building safer structures, providing education on earthquake safety and implementing plans to help recover in case of an earthquake. We can also reduced the risk from human induced earthquakes by preparing for natural earthquakes.  Earthquake drills and exercises are extremely important part of our preparedness plan. The National Simultaniuos Earthquake Drill seeks to strengthen the mechanism for national and regional coordination, as well as the interoperability of key players. It also aims to intensify local communities' earthquake preparedness and increase the commitment of local government units in building safe communities. The importance of taking part of this program is for us to be aware on what to do when there is an earthquake and it provides adequate information on disaster response. 

           “Our safety does not rest in the hands of one person or government agency alone. It rests in our very hands as we put them together on the concerted effort of building safer, adaptive and resilient communities.” Sec Voltaire Gazmin,said. We need to cooperate with the government for our own safety.



  1. Hi! I agree that it is important to take part in NSED for us to be aware on what to do or to have an adequate information on disaster response like an earthquake. Good job!

  2. No need to argue, no might to disagree. Your blog says it all! Nice one, Garden! Also, you don't forget to cite, that's a great quality of a blogger! Keep it up!


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